Bespoke Tailored Client Profile Programme

This detailed client profile lays the foundation for physical and emotional wellness.



Pain free ON purpose:

No one wants to be in pain. But pain is the reality for almost all people regardless of our race, gender or status. And pain can be measured in many ways: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Our unintentional unhealthy habits are all tied into our emotional history and it is that untangling of our history – the root cause – that will allow us to be able to indeed become Pain Free ON purpose. Because our emotional history shape the habits which shape our relationships, whether they be financial, nutritional and personal etc.

This detailed client profile lays the foundation for physical and emotional wellness. If you want to rid the body of the physical pain and dysfunction, you must first address the physiological history that is contributing to where you find yourself today (mental/emotional lifestyle and nutritional habits). Pain free ON purpose