Pelvic Floor Secrets
Brand Story & Journey:
Why pelvic floor health and happiness? “Now I know what they mean, when they say it’s like dipping your wick in a well!” That was the throwaway statement my friend shared with me over 20 years ago that drew my attention to this vitally important area that links our inner and outer worlds. And why I developed my programme series to ensure women would not have to suffer this statement or any other debilitating experience around her womanhood.
Why does her name bring about such a negative response and/or leave us feeling embarrassed? She is our Pelvic Floor Secret and based on the relationship and understanding we have with her, she will either seriously reward us – or debilitate and steal our confidence.
What’s in a name? The name Gina is an Italian name which means ‘Queen’ Our Gina is our Vibrantly Appealing Queen! The name queen is within the name vagina – Gina! Our pelvic floor lives within her, our sex, reproductive and eliminatory organs all function through her. She is the true measure of our confidence, our continence and our sexual satisfaction as well as our centre, our postural position, body shape and movement ability. So it really pays to understand her significance. And since a Queen is significant – she is definitely deserving of attention.
Vibrantly appealing Gina
Vibrantly appealing Gina the most sought after girl I know the entrance to a gateway that brings love, life and flow. Yet many underrate her and call her all kinds of names not understanding Gina may cause a life of stress and shame.
She’s very emotional is our Gina, she takes in everything, the hurts, the disappointments, the pain and all the sins. Not only in the biblical sense is Gina sinned against, but in the lack of knowledge for all she has to do to make sure health and happiness are maintained at all times the whole life through.
What makes up her character, her structure, what crowns her head the very essence of her being many want to take to bed. She’s more than sex she’s everything that defines who we are, from gait to posture and new life her value is as the stars. Her crowning glory, her cervix the orgasmic “collector” of he stands guard against the enemy to protect the room above or let in a new life created most time with love. Inside her wonderful womb room is where hormone conversation with the ovaries is done and its role to brain, cardiovascular function, pelvic and spinal stability really is 2nd to none. The seed of her youthfulness or an indicator of ‘change’ the uterus is the life within Gina’s homely domain.
It pays to get to know her and give her what she needs so she will always be rewarding in love, life and ecstasy. Don’t be afraid to call her name or neglect to care because vibrantly appealing Gina is more vital to your health and happiness that you may be aware.
Don’t call her names call her Vagina.
#BeReady, #BeEducated
My story – started in the 90’s with teaching classes in local gym’s and connecting intimacy to exercise after a friends ‘throwaway comment’ on what could be our possible outcome following childbirth: “Now I know what they mean, when they say it’s like dipping your wick in a wall!” That one statement drew my attention to this one area many of us, neither explore or regard.
I explored our womanhood and discovered that our “Gina” meaning Queen is so much more than sex and babies. She is our Vibrantly Appealing Gina – sort after, misunderstood, under-rated and overlooked, yet she is linked to some of the most debilitating experiences for many women, especially after childbirth and/or menopause.
Hence my Pelvic Floor Secrets programmes were born to offer women the opportunity to ‘take back control’ of this beautifully intimate ‘home’ and then enjoy the mental/emotional and physical rewards that she has to offer.
If you want to enjoy her six rewards: book your consultation today.
Pelvic Floor Programmes
Whats your pelvic floor secret
Elvie – your most personal trainer
Pelvic Floor Secrets Online
Pregnancy Priorities for your Pelvic Floor