Upcoming Events

UNFILTERED – An immersive exploration of feminine energy and why it is vital to our intimate health. 

Unfiltered workshop

Join us for an evening of dynamic, thought-provoking insight, that dives into the power of feminine energy and its vital role to our intimate health, decision making and emotional harmony. Through the lens of the root and sacral chakras, discover how this energy influences our sex and reproductive health, career longevity and personal experiences. 

With powerful guest speakers, interactive discussions and open mic session, you’ll gain insight, clarity and connection. 

Tony Dada explores the science of masculine and feminine energy in the mind. 

Apex Medical Ltd unveils the link between hormones and feminine energy 

Jean Williams reveals the way fashion expresses our feminine essence. 

Enjoy spoke word, networking and engaging group activities all designed to empower, inspire and transform. This is more than a conversation; it’s an experience – situated in the heart of Soho, London.

This electrifying event aligns with International Women’s Day mission to ‘Accelerate Action’ for gender parity – celebrating the beauty of being #equal but biologically and energetically unique. 

Did you know…   1 in 10 women are leaving their jobs because of the menopause! 1 in 3 women suffer embarrassing leaks and have workplace anxiety before the menopause exacerbates their pelvic floor secret!  Don’t suffer in silence – let Jenni help you !

The Physical Pension Plan

Empowering Lives Coaching

Empowering Lives Coaching

Nutrition and Lifestyle

Nutrition and Lifestyle

Pelvic Floor Secrets

Pelvic Floor Secrets

Better Posture – Better Body

Better Posture – Better Body

Listen to Jenni's radio show!

UK Health Radio




Specialising in pelvic floor happiness since 1998

Jenni is The CHEK Practitioner Specialist in Pelvic Floor Health and Happiness based at 1 Harley Street W1. What is unique about Jenni is her unrivalled commitment to helping ALL women avoid incontinence, prolapse or lack of sexual feeling through her revolutionary sensory programme. She has specialised in pelvic floor health since 1996 and sees private clients at the UK’s only dedicated pelvic floor clinic.



ICS 2020

ICS 2020

Physiological considerations in Conservative Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Jenni is very exciting to be presenting at The 50th ICS Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, USA


BLOG Jenni Russell's latest news and information THE JENNI RUSSELL EXPERIENCE This opulent villa within the exclusive Sandy Lane Estates Barbados is the backdrop for the Jenni Russell Experience. A unique 8 day retreat that will show you how to...

Prolapse or Incontinence

BLOG Jenni Russell's latest news and information Prolapse or Incontinence Many women address their prolapse or incontinence concerns many years after childbirth, when the condition becomes worse, citing the birth as the reason. Whilst the...
Expert tips for pelvic floor empowerment.

Expert tips for pelvic floor empowerment

BLOG Jenni Russell's latest news and information Expert tips for pelvic floor empowerment This week Elvie ‘your most personal trainer’ has asked Jenni to share her expert tips for pelvic floor empowerment. Elvie, the No.1 Kegel training product...

Tell me a bit about you:

If you have a question or would like more information, please send us a message.

Pelvic Floor Secrets
1 Harley Street
London W1G 9QD

T: 0207291 4499
M: 07956 450327

Stress No More
UK Hypopressives